Financial Planning

Professional Financial Planning is the process which aims to help you realise your ambitions - whatever they may be. As...

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When you retire you still need food and shelter as an absolute minimum, but of course you will want to maintain the lifestyle ...

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Savings & Investments

Often, people save for a specific reason and it's usually the safest way to build up a pot of money. It’s less risky than...

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Your mortgage is probably the largest financial transaction and commitment you are likely to undertake.

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Welcome to Imperial Financial Planning Ltd, Independent Financial Advisers in Whetstone, Leicester

The great joy of financial freedom is having your heart and mind free from worry about life's uncertainties, and our aim is to pave the way for a more secure financial future for you, your family and for businesses of all sizes.

You are the focus of our business: You, your life, your family, your future.

Our understanding of your current financial situation is the keystone to the formulation of a financial plan which will meet your future needs. Many people have goals and dreams, but a goal without a plan is just a wish... an achievable goal is a dream with a deadline.

So it all starts with listening. We listen to your needs, your hopes your dreams, and we formulate a plan, which enables us to offer you clear, no-jargon advice on the most appropriate financial products for your personal circumstances.

This is the start of our journey together, to prepare the plan to meet your goals, to ensure that you, your family and your assets are protected, and to help you build a brighter, more secure future.

Call us today on 01162 787000 or complete our short enquiry form and we'll be pleased to help you.

Our Areas Of Expertise

    • Financial Planning

      Professional Financial Planning is the process which aims to help you realise your ambitions - whatever they may be. As professional financial advisers we can help you make informed decisions. ...

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    • Pensions

      When you retire you still need food and shelter as an absolute minimum, but of course you will want to maintain the lifestyle to which you have become accustomed. ...

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    • Savings & Investments

      Often, people save for a specific reason and it's usually the safest way to build up a pot of money. It’s less risky than investing, but it offers limited growth. The most you'll earn on the money you save is the interest a...

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    • Wealth Management

      Wealth, just like your health, must be carefully preserved. Your assets need to be protected against the potential threats of erosion by taxation, the effects of inflation and investment risks. Whatever your level of wealth, ...

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    • Taxation

      Most of us face being taxed on our income, our capital gains, and in some circumstances the value of our estate when we die. Taxation can be very complicated and the rules, reliefs and allowances often change. ...

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    • Life Assurance

      The main purpose of Life Assurance is to provide money for those people who may depend on you financially, in the event that something should happen to you. ...

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    • Mortgages

      Your mortgage is probably the largest financial transaction and commitment you are likely to undertake. Surely then you should seek mortgage advice which is individually tailored to your needs and requirements? ...

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    • Equity Release

      If you're over the age of 55, equity release offers you a way to use the value of your home to raise money. Why do people consider Equity Release? You probably have other ideas - there is no restriction on how you use the fun...

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    • Health Insurance

      Health Insurance is probably one of the most important types of insurance you can own. Without it, an illness or accident can have serious long-term financial implications for you and your family. ...

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    • General Insurance

      This is an area of financial planning that is often overlooked. Traditionally, we have our buildings and contents insurance with our mortgage lenders, which may be uncompetitive in a very competitive marketplace. ...

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London Stock Exchange

FTSE 100
8741.34-23.38 -0.267
FTSE 250
20961.8245.68 0.218
FTSE 350
4792.95-10.02 -0.209
FTSE All Shares
4742.27-9.54 -0.201
Dow Jones
44727.916.469 0.037
19972.52726.883 0.135

Stock Market data is compiled every 15 minutes. Information is not realtime.


1.2010.002 0.134
13.996-0.005 -0.038
13.50.027 0.198
1.2630.006 0.5

Currency Market date is compiled every 15 minutes. Information is not realtime. Change in the rates of exchange between currencies may cause your investment and any income from it to fluctuate in value.

Biggest Movers

795.6+52.4 +7.05
477.8-18.1 -3.65

Share Price Movers are taken from the FTSE-100. Stock Market data is compiled every 15 minutes. Information is not realtime.


The value of investments and income from them can go down. You may not get back the original amount invested.